Treatment for High Hemoglobin Levels

Treatment for High Hemoglobin Levels: How to Lower Your Levels Safely

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Last updated on December 14th, 2023

How do you treat high hemoglobin levels? If you have polycythemia vera, erythrocytosis, or another condition that causes your body to produce too many red blood cells, you’ll want to find ways to lower your levels without experiencing dangerous side effects or complications. Fortunately, there are several safe treatment options you can use to treat high hemoglobin levels while avoiding the pitfalls of unnecessary medications and treatments. This blog will explain what these treatment options are and how they work.

What is high hemoglobin?

Hemoglobin is a protein in the blood that is used to carry oxygen around the body. The normal range of hemoglobin levels falls from 11g/dL to 16g/dL, with higher values indicating a problem. Symptoms of high hemoglobins include dizziness, shortness of breath, and poor physical condition. High hemoglobins may be caused by injury or an underlying medical condition such as erythrocytosis. If your doctor diagnoses you with high hemoglobin levels, he or she will recommend treatment options.

Ways to lower your hemoglobin level

  1. Drink plenty of fluids, especially water, to help flush excess iron from your body through your kidneys.
  2. Take a mild sedative or hypnotic medication such as an antihistamine and melatonin to help you relax, which will lessen the effects of sleep apnea on your breathing and thus increase the amount of oxygen that gets into your bloodstream.
  3. Get enough rest (8 hours).
  4. Drink iced tea because it contains tannins which can bind excess iron in the gastrointestinal tract also drinking iced tea will make you drink more fluids which are good for lowering levels of hemoglobin.
  5. Do deep breathing exercises, like chest-expanding techniques when you wake up in the morning.
  6. Eat less meat.
  7. Exercise regularly but not excessively.
  8. Avoid foods high in vitamin C, including citrus fruits and juices, tomatoes, kiwi fruit, strawberries, and peppers

Exercise Plan to Lower High Hemoglobin Levels:

Moderate exercise will gradually lower your blood levels over time. You can also schedule 10-minute chunks throughout the day when you might otherwise be sitting down (during your lunch break, for example). Be sure to check with your doctor before starting any new activity regimen and have periodic blood checks afterward.

Medical Options – Medications, Injections, etc.

High hemoglobin levels are determined by a blood test and usually require medical intervention in order to lower them. Some options include changing your diet, lifestyle adjustments such as reducing or quitting smoking or taking medications such as aspirin. If high levels persist despite other efforts then doctors may inject your red blood cells with a chemical that causes them to break down so the body will then produce new ones.


There are a number of ways that you can decrease your hemoglobin levels, some of which are more drastic than others. The most important thing is to make sure that you are getting regular physicals and seeing a doctor regularly.

Also Read:

To know more about Hemoglobin Levels, visit

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